by Dynamic Imaging Systems
December 28, 2011
Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office (AZ) implements Dynamic Imaging Systems latest biometrics application, PositiveID+. By upgrading from the older version, the agency increased search performance, improved accuracy and added additional functionality like facial recognition searches to their system. The agency’s 45,000 existing facial mugshot images were enrolled into PositiveID+ along with their 50,000 existing fingerprints, giving the agency a considerable base of biometric templates available for identification. The jails booking area is poised to use PositiveID+ fingerprint identification for both pre-booking and release areas. For subjects without a fingerprint in the local database, facial recognition searches can be performed from the agency’s existing PictureLink Mugshot capture station. Fingerprint and facial recognition searches return match results with accompanying photos in less than 10 seconds, providing booking officers with an immediate starting point in the identification process. In addition, County investigators can now perform facial recognition searches and enrollments of the jails photos from within their own department.
The PositiveID+ upgrade also coincided with the implementation of Dynamic Imaging Systems latest web application, PictureLink Web Edition. The application synchronizes data with the agency’s Spillman database to provide mugshot images and investigative functionality (lineups, digital witness mugbooks, searches, alerts) to a broader range of law enforcement personnel including the Nogales Police Department.
To learn more about PositiveID+ biometrics or to request a free demonstration, please contact or call 856-988-1545.